IP Blacklist Checker Tool
find out if Your email-IP address is blacklist in any of the RBLS/DNSBL.
find out if Your email-IP address is blacklist in any of the RBLS/DNSBL.
Our IP blacklist checker tool helps you identify if your mail server IP Address is blacklisted in any RBLs (Realtime Blacklist). It will check your IP address against many other RBLs. It is an entirely free tool. If your mail server IP address is blacklisted in RBLs, you might face some email deliverability issues. Once you find the DNSBL or RBL's name where IP is blacklisted, you can contact them to delist your IP Address from their listing.
DNSBL stands for Domain Name BlackList, RBL stands for RealTime BlackList, both spam blocking lists. There are 100+ organizations, all of which utilize various criteria for delisting and listing and addresses with their algorithm to add any IP address to their blacklist. Most of the mail service uses their blacklist database to prevent any incoming spam emails from the listed IP Address.
One of the common reasons for IP blacklist is the spamming activity, whether it is knowingly or unknowingly. You might face the situation where your server is compromised and sending spam emails using the server IP address. You must verify your IP Address for blacklist before buying any server. Also, you should not rent any third party email list. This list may consist of the forge email address. Sending emails to such email addresses increases the high bounce rate. Due to the high bounce rate, your IP Address might lie to any of the RBLs listings.
You don't need to panic in case of an IP address blacklist. First, you must ensure that all devices you are using on your network are not infected, block all the loopholes to your server/website. Here are some precautionary actions that you can take.
After the above actions are done, you have to contact the RBLs where your IP address is blacklisted. There might be specific steps or a way to remove the IP address from their Blacklisting. Different RBLs may have different steps. You need to follow as per the outline order given by the RBLs. After submitting your request, it may take 3 to 7 days (depends on RBLs) to delist. There should be no more spamming activity after submitting the delisting request. Otherwise, RBLs might take a pretty long time in IP delist, and your email service suffers due to the IP blacklist.
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