Anti-Spam Email Protection
No more spam, virus and phishing attacks | Enjoy a Spam blocking rate of 99.98% | Intuitive features | Improve Your Business Productivity | Add redundancy and continuity to your email infrastructure | Enjoy a false-positive rate of less than one in a million | Get your network Spam free | Timely and automatic protection against new threats
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What is Anti-Spam Cloud Service?
Spam continues to be both a nuisance and threat to our web resources. It largely attributes to the disruption in our most vital form of communication, EMAIL.
SpamExperts is an enterprise-class Anti-Spam solution with the most advanced filtering algorithms and spam pattern identification to eliminate 99.98% of Spam from reaching your mailbox.
With the protection of SpamExperts, you will be secured from inbound, unsolicited bulk emails and other related threats. Additionally, SpamExperts will drastically save time, eliminate wasted disk space, and protect your email service from junk emails. SpamExperts, with their Anti-Spam and Anti-Virus filtering services, fosters a safe internet environment.
Spam Experts
Anti Spam Cloud Service
How SpamExperts Filter Incoming Emails?
Our SpamExperts inbound spam filter is a cloud service with unmatched spam intelligence. Setup is quick and simple and only involves minor DNS adjustments to your site.
Our team can easily do this for you. All we need from you are the MX records of your domain. After setup, all your incoming emails will start routing through our SpamExperts cloud services. Emails will be filtered by our intelligent algorithms and will be relayed back to its original destination mail server. Thus your inbox will be protected against Spam, Viruses, phishing and malware.
What happens to the Spam? Received emails will be filtered, discarded or quarantined based on the settings you choose! This is the ideal solution to secure your email and web environment.
How can your business benefit from SpamExperts?
SpamExperts Pricing
Price/Domain/Month | Number of Mailbox covered |
$2.63/Domain/Month | 0 to 100 Mailboxes - Order Now |
Contact us | 501+ Mailboxes |